Monday, November 8, 2010

Day in Photos- Mind-Provoking Images from Israel

As most of you have noticed, I do not have that many blog posts! It's mostly because it takes me a long time to think and analyze everything that's happening! It's so hard to put words to feelings, emotions, morals and life. I am definitely not lacking in things to say but I am lacking in the energy and the time to properly express them. Also let's be honest, my posts are really long.  I am blogging as an outlet for myself but in doing so I am happy/ want to bring you all along with me on my self-actualizing process. So what am I going to do?????

DONT FEAR- CELESTE IS HERE... with a solution!

I went through my daily routine of reading the news today and as I browsed the BBC news site I came to one of my favorite sections which contains a collection of photos called - Day in pictures- Eye-Catching Images from around the World. This section has always been a highlight of my morning news gathering routine! So, I'm going to create my own rendition of this concept! This way you can all live vicariously through me or better yet exist in a mental, emotional or spiritual realm with me as we share the images. I will still have my deeper posts and hopefully by combining the two I can create a more fruitful blog experience.  ENJOY!!

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